Budget 2015 – Telecom Sectors Demanding From Indian Government

LeadNXT Telecom Company
The telecom sector met with some considerably improved range of strategically vital and what experts would say crucial developments in recent days, after a hiatus of retrospective amendments by the earlier government which actually pulled out the favourable investment climate. Now that telecom sector plays a pivotal role in improving the country’s economy and developmental jobs, it still has a fewer but some majorly risky issues it faces in order to revive. With this article we are trying to cover some of the expectations of telecom industry from the budget, with reference to other aligned sectors such as IT and business and typified companies such as political party campaign management company.

Major takeaways telecom sector is eyeing for from the upcoming budget 2015
Easier and simplified norms for spectrum trading, merger and acquisition
Many believe the airwaves are still underutilized and spectrum space requires to be more easily distributed. It requires lifting out sanctions and limitations on spectrum space allocations. To make improved usage of digital technology and ensure superior connectivity, spectrum allocations requires to be made simplified.

Ensuring more spectrum space is available
With demand increasing, more spectrum space is becoming an important core and component. Many private firms believe that government needs to start thinking about ensuring more investment is done in the sector.

Bringing a rational tax decision
Rising number of direct and indirect taxes are a burden on telecom industry. The private companies are requesting the government to ease the tax pressure for easy and simple connectivity. With rising number of taxes, one of the highest in the world in telecom sector, new investment have been made tough. So, tax revision is a necessity.

Other things –
Ensuring an affordable device ecosystem – So that more people can be connected with mobile, Smartphone and therefore the internet. This indirectly hints the requirement for make in India and business potential investment by native Indian and OEM companies.
Along with telecom, business and IT sectors in India are also eying for some regulations and takeaways such as –
  • IT and Business Sector
  • Giving startups easy access to growth revolution
  • Tax breaks for employees and entry level companies
  • Building a competitive yet holistic investment ecosystem
  • Setting up more SEZs  
  • Improved participation of private companies in job

The India INC is speeding to growth, but it wants the government to compliment its growth with credible benefit. Such as a set of new range of in traditional and new age companies have come into scenario, with people becoming connected to the Internet and demand for improve range of services are becoming an importantly vital and common, it is crucial to bring some reformed strategies. With new budget set to roll on, some of the new type of companies as uniquely diverse as online political campaign management company, and new age enterprise CRM solutions provider is coming in surface. When growth happens, they also happen to grow. So a small scale and grass root development budget is what India INC want.

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